Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's been a while!

It's been a while since i've had time to post butttt...i'm not busy tonight!
I've been overloaded with SO much homework this week//weekend.
but tonight i dont have anything.
Well, since i last posted i went to mp homecoming and then to the fair!
heres some pics:
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on the way to the homecoming..
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when you're together every minute of the day you kinda start to look alike.....
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this is the only pic i got from the fair!
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that was fun!
Then we had a volleyball game Tuesday
we won.
i guess thats about it for now!


Kthed said...

I don't know if you're computer's having problems like mine is when I go to your blog, but it's b/c of the little "survey" you put on it... mine messed up when I put one on my blog... FYI ;) Cute blog!